
Import/Export Support

The difference in pesticide regulations between trading partners can be a major impediment to international trade. Pesticide tolerances are established by most of the developed countries. Each individual commodity has individual approved pesticides and the levels that are allowable. If the level of a pesticide is over the allowable limit, or is one that is not allowed, then the commodity cannot be legally sold.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency sets tolerances (legal allowable limits) for 371 pesticides in Food. European countries, on the other hand, generally follow the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS, which allows 224 pesticides to be present on some food commodities. The sets of pesticides that are accepted by CODEX and the US are different. While the US regulates 150 pesticides that are not OK in European Markets, the CODEX still has 92 pesticides that are not legal on any commodity in the US.

Pesticide Import Security

The US Food and Drug Administration has stepped up its pesticide monitoring in the light of the events of September 11, 2001. The probability of pesticide residue inspection for a particular commodity has dramatically increased. If the FDA finds illegal residues, that shipment of the commodity is refused entry, and the exporter is placed on “Detention Without Examination.” This can result in a costly interruption of critical supplies for a processor or distributor.

To help you ensure that the FDA does not list your suppliers, Environmental Micro Analysis has developed a targeted pesticide residue screen, identical to the testing used by the FDA in its Import Testing Program. This FDA Import Screen is an exclusive offering of Environmental Micro Analysis to help importers protect their reputations and keep their supply lines clean.

Japanese Exports

Effective 2006, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare adopted a new “Positive List System.”

Violations of the new regulations could result not only in rejection of a shipment, but potential black listing of the exporter from lucrative Japanese markets.

Environmental Micro Analysis, Inc. is recognized by the Japanese Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare to perform pesticide residue testing for exported food going to Japan (Certificate #21). We have the experience and knowledge of US pesticide registration and use to limit testing to those classes of compounds likely to be present.