
Custom Designed Services for Agriculture

At Environmental Micro Analysis we use our years of experience in testing a broad range of agricultural commodities, soils, and waters for pesticide residues to help you solve problems. Testing can help you to determine pre-plant herbicide levels in soils, identify problems which may have been caused by drift and over-spray, and help in market development by documenting that your produce is below regulatory levels of residues for both domestic and export markets. Our experience allows us to customize your testing to only those tests necessary, thus saving your precious testing dollars.

Of critical importance to growers are pesticide residues where over-tolerance issues are raised. EMA follows strict QA/QC procedures as outlined in our QA/QC documents. These procedures include standard second column confirmation for all pesticide residues for Gas Chromatographic methods. In addition to our standard quality assurance program, extra measures are employed where tolerance issues are raised. In instances where tolerance is in question, a second sample extraction and GC/MS or LC/MS/MS confirmation are performed, where possible, at no additional cost to the client. EMA performs these extra value items to demonstrate our commitment to the needs and concerns of our clients.